
European Investment Bank Funding for SME Loans

Through an agreement with the European Investment Bank (EIB; we are supporting small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) [and enterprises having less than 3 000 employees (MidCaps)] by providing access to an invaluable source of lower cost finance and flexible repayment schedules.&nbs

European Investment Bank Funding for SME Loans

Through an agreement with the European Investment Bank (EIB; we are supporting small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) [and enterprises having less than 3 000 employees (MidCaps)] by providing access to an invaluable source of lower cost finance and flexible repayment schedules.

The National Bank of Slovakia and the Anti-Trust Office have granted their consent to the takeover of IMPULS-LEASING Slovakia by Tatra – Leasing.

Igor Rechtoris and Marián Knauer will become the statutory representatives of IMPULS-LEASING Slovakia and its subsidiary IMPULS-LEASING Services from 17th August

Deferral of payments

Dear Clients,

Open again

We would like to inform our clients that our branches are open again, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

European resources

Tatra-Leasing followed up with the European Investment Bank - EIB ( to offer preferential rates for support and development of business entities in Slovakia for this year.

Use of cookies principles

Privacy policy In accordance with Section 55 Paragraph 5 of the NRSR [National Council of the Slovak Republic] Act No. 351/2011 Coll.

Notice of group VAT ID assignment

With effect from 1st of February 2016, our company, Tatra-Leasing, s.r.o. is registered as a member of the value added tax group with the following companies: