Operational leasing with services
An operating lease with services is a form of car leasing where the leasing company owns the car. Take advantage of all the product benefits and enjoy carefree travel every day.
Operational leasing with services
If you prefer to regularly change your fleet operational leasing is the right choice for you.
- You choose a vehicle, equipment, decide on the financing period, choose the services and we calculate a fixed installment for you
- No down payment is required, we provide financing with zero down payment
- Tyre services, insurance, highway fee and other services are included in the installment
- Operational leasing does not affect your balance sheet, you do not depreciate the asset, installments are written off as operating costs
Assets you can finance via operational leasing with services
Passenger and utility cars
Do you need a new car? Make your way easier with our help. We provide financing for all types of new and used passenger and utility vehicles up to 3.5 tons.

Financing procedure
Getting financing for your new passenger or utility vehicle is very easy. There are just three steps.
Choose your vehicle and contact us. We will prepare a customised offer.
2. Schválenie
Doručte nám všetky potrebné doklady a my pristúpime k schvaľovaniu financovania.
3. Conclusion
of the contract
Once you have signed the contract and made the down payment, you can pick up the vehicle at the vendor.
Where to apply for financing
using Infoleasing
call us: +421 2 5919 5919
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